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Thursday, March 6, 2014

        Me and my team was working to figure out a way to show "who visits your face book profile" but ended up in opposite direction. We came to know that face book ranks the friends in order to show them when people searches for their friends. So we thought to create a bookmark let to demonstrate it. Drop the below link to your bookmark bar and have fun..!!

>>>>>>>> Your Friends Rank List <<<<<<<<<<<<<

The interesting thing is that you can find some profiles(who are not friends with you) will get listed, because you keep looking on that profiles or they look at your profile.

Facebook Friends Rank List
Where to drag the link?

The Ranking will be based on lot of factors like profile views, likes, comments, chats and share. Facebook provides a negative index for each profile. The higher the negative index the greater you interact with the person. If you are an admin of a page , you can verify that the list of friends shown in bookmarklet matches with the list of friends face book suggests when you try to invite your friends to like the page.

First we found out that in face book page source code there is some data for  "InitialChatFriendsList". We developed a bookmark let for testing that.

>>>>>>>>  Frequent Chatting Friends  <<<<<<<<<<<<<

Drag the above link to your browser bookmark bar to find out the friend profiles to whom with you chat the most. The person to whom who have message latest will be first in the list.

If you are interested to know face book birthday wishing hack Click here