:::: MENU ::::

Monday, April 25, 2011

 1. Right Click on Desktop -->Open Microsoft Access 2007 --> New-->Blank Database and give database name with “.mdb” extension and save it on any location in your computer.
2. The design view of the table is as follows:
 3. Open Control Panel--> Administrative Tools-->Data Source (ODBC)-->select MS Access Database Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb,*.accdb) and click add -->  Select Driver do Microsoft Access(*.mdb)-->finish
4. Now give Data Source Name (e.g. My_Company)--> Click Select button and select the database you saved in your computer in step 1
5. Now you can see that the DSN “My_Company” is getting added in the User DSN list. Following type of screen may appear and click ok
6. Tats all ….now your database is connected with DSN

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  1. Hey i checked it out... Its working properly man........
    I think i don't have to learn it again.
    Thanks for this post..

  2. Thanx for sharing the info, Amith... Its 100% working... :)
